The Evolution of Domestication
When I was younger, I had a bit of a rebellious streak...okay, maybe more than a bit...I mean, don't we all?At any rate, as a young'n, I balked at anything even semi-related to domestication. In fact, I swore I'd never become one of those women who turned into a domestic diva, someone who actually took pride in the household duties...oh no, I had much bigger plans for myself!Which is why I find myself amused whenever I do anything even remotely housewifeish and actually enjoy it...or, dare I say, take pride in it?! Gasp!Seriously, my teenaged self would make more than relentless fun of my adult self for the recent afternoons that I spent... baking chocolate orange biscuits ...
or whipping up a batch of mini pecan pie muffins...
or folding laundry on a perfectly sunny day off.